Saturday, December 31, 2011

My "Totally Cliche" New Years Post

This is so typical of anyone getting ready for the new year. The only thing is, I fully intend to do this. Every single thing on this list. Not just do it for a week, or a month. The thing is every year I swear up and down I am going to stick to it and I never do (whatever "it" may be that year). All I can do is keep telling myself that it is time for a change. That I made myself a promise and it feels just as bad to let yourself down as it does to let down other people. Hopefully 2012 has great things in store for the Chappells.

1. MONEY. Yep, I said it. Just like everyone else in the world I am going to be better with my money. This year I don't think I have a choice and I have to be better with my money. Not doing so is really not an option and that is as deep as I care to venture into that topic, so.... next!

2. HEALTH. I refuse to type "lose weight." Of course that would be a nice added bonus but it seems that whenever I try and lose weight it never happens. I am trying a new approach. I want to be more active, but instead of forcing myself to do p90 videos I am going to start walking again. I LOVE walking. I did it a lot a little over a year ago. I even completed my first 5k. My kids enjoy going on walks with me. Paisley loves to sightsee. What in the world do I have holding me back? Oh, that's right... NOTHING. My boys play baseball and I was a pretty darn good softball player at one time so who says their dad is the only one that can get out and practice with them? Some of the wii games we have will whip your tail too. Plus they are fun to play! Win-win!

3. FOOD. I am not about to give a speech on how I am going to go on a diet. Those don't work for me just like "planning" to lose weight doesn't work. Cagney and I have been talking for weeks about how we are beyond excited to start a vegetable garden. We had a small one in 2010 and did not do one because I was ginormous pregnant this summer (2011). This year we plan to expand it and plant a ton of stuff. I am so so so excited about this I can't wait. I wish we could start it now. We are also getting some hens. The kids are excited to get some pets and I am excited to get some eggs. Hopefully we will have them by spring. I am thinking they would make a great Easter gift. I would like to get six. We have already named them: Dolly, Loretta, June, Patsy, Reba, and Tanya Clucker. You know the last one is awesome.

4. ORGANIZE. I say this every year and I really do hope to follow through. Cag is on board so I think this year may be a winner!

5. BEACH. I know I said we are doing a money makeover but I WILL take my sweet baby to the beach if only for a weekend. I want her to go as a baby. She would love it. Ocean sounds are her favorite.

6. PICTURES & VIDEO. My computer crashed last month and I almost lost all of my pictures and home videos. I thought I had for a full day and I had a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach and cried. Needless to say the first thing to be accomplished on this list is I will be transferring all of my pictures and videos onto DVDs. I could do a backup drive but the computer repairman says that those are never one hundred percent and I ain't taking any chances! He also says to put your pics onto DVDs instead of CDs because they will hold a ton more. This probably falls under organization and I wasted a whole paragraph, huh?

Maybe I should make a resolution to not ramble? :)


1 comment:

ACW said...

Here is to motivating one another! Happy New Year!