Friday, January 8, 2010

Ice Day 2010

Man am I glad to be inside. Even though I had to fight my 2 year old to get in here! hehe

It is freezing here and even though we got a snow day, we did not get a ton of snow. More ice so I guess we got an "ice day" today. Me and the kiddos played in it all day today and now we have a warm cozy fire going.

See? Not a ton of snow, just ice!

But it made their day, so I guess I am thankful for all the ice we have...

...even if I am praying for an early spring. :)


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Years Resolution post

Yep, here it is. I couldn't help it. I know everyone is sick of hearing everyone else's New Years resolutions, but I have to type this out and hold myself accountable. I have a few things I would like to accomplish this year:

1. Lose weight (typical, I know, but my sister is getting married in October and I don't want to be Shamu, maid of honor standing next to her. Plus, we want one more child and I am thinking maybe we can start trying in October? DH does not know this yet, he thinks we are waiting til Febuary, but don't worry I will tell him before October :))

2. Save money (again, typical).

3. Have at least one evening a week with my husband. Even if we do not go out or get a babysitter, we need to take time at least once a week to just talk if nothing else with no distractions.

4. Learn to sew (I do not have one curtain in my house).

5. Have the garage finished by March

6. Redo my kitchen

7. Redo my laundry room

8. Get the boys new furniture and pay cash for it

9. Redo the boys rooms

10. Take a trip for our 5 year anniversary in September

11. Take a fun trip with the boys and let them pick where we go and what we do.

12. Take more home movies of the kids. This should be easy since my new Flip arrived. :)

13. Finish scrapping all pics I am behind on (it's ALOT). Also, purchase and put together the Project Life book by Becky Higgins.

Now I can cross it off as I go. hehe


Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year!

I cannot believe that 2010 is here. How crazy, the start of a new decade!

Yes, I am going to blab about my crazy, cliche New Years resolution. I have decided to lose weight along with the millions of other people in America. Here is where my resolution is different: I fully plan on sticking with this 100%. I have never in my life stuck with a New Years resolution and I make one almost every year.

I have a good friend that did a diet last year called the Thrive diet. I have researched it and feel that this will be the easiest for me to succeed at, (I hope so anyways...). I will update on my progress as I go. (Don't worry, my blog is not going to turn into a "diet blog", but I do consider this a "my life" blog and I will consider this weight loss journey a part of my life.

I am already a member at Sparkpeople and I am an admin to The Twilight Saga team, along with Amanda at The Paisley Farmhouse. It's a wonderful website, check it out!

Well, here is to a wonderful and blessed 2010. I hope it is amazing for everyone!
