Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Paisley is Nine Months Old!

 My sweet baby girl, you are now nine months old. My how time flies! (Actually, you turned nine months six days ago but I was waiting until your doctor appointment so I could update your stats). You are getting so big. I think you have hit a recent growth spurt. You weight 17 lbs 15 oz and are in the 45 % for weight. You are now 28 inches long and in the 70 % for height. You head is 43 cm and finally at least in the 25 %. That's an improvement from the 5 % last time. You are pretty much doing everything except walking. Literally. Nothing holds you back. You are very strong willed already. You love to eat. I am still making most of your baby food. You love sweet potatoes and bananas the best (just like always).

 Bath time is a favorite still.

You get yourself into the strangest positions. You aren't scared of a thing.

 Napping with daddy is still a big hit. Especially for him. It makes his evening.

 I am doing my best to make Ariel a favorite. Hence the outfit??! HA! You rocked it girl!

You eat like there is no tomorrow. Maybe you did hit a growth spurt. You see food and your eyes light up and you start making noises and licking your lips. It's hilarious.

 Climbing the stairs and fireplace is a new ting and I have to say, it FREAKS me out. So slow down, please. :)

Speaking of eyes, everyone you come into contact with makes a comment about those gorgeous baby blues.

You get your toes painted like mommy. You don't care too much for it. You are my only little girl and I hope that you stay as prissy as you are already.

You are totally into puffs. Eat them like crazy. The passy is also a permanent staple lately. I'm thinking we may do something about that soon...

 Summer time is here and you couldn't be happier. Outside is a favorite for you!

 Swimming is so exciting for you! You kick and splash and love every second!

 Loving your five dollar baby pool.

Baywatch has nothing on you!

You have grown so much it kills me. I cannot handle you getting much bigger. I love you so much and I feel so blessed to be your mommy. I am about to start planning your first birthday party. I cannot grasp that! You are just beautiful in every way.


1 comment:

Andrea @ The Dawley Fam said...

oh my! Is she precious or what? She has the most beautiful blue eyes! Happy 9 months to your sweet girl!